Sunday, August 21, 2011

Less Than One Percent

We tried out another church today called El Lugar. It's only a few blocks from our house, so it was nice to be able to walk there. Several people spoke English and introduced themselves to us as we walked through the door and we sat in the back. The music leader had us stand up and introduce ourselves and I was thankful Will understood what he was asking us to do.

There was another language school family there who just arrived this past week. We're starting to meet more and more new people all the time and it reminds me of a grown-up version of college. We're all new...all unsure....a bit weirded out...and eager to learn. Very much a honeymoon phase of being a missionary and it's fun.

Emma and Jack went to classrooms during the first service and the second service the kids put on a Mother's Day program (so we left). They sold doughnuts, cake, cokes and coffee in between service for 150 colones a piece to raise money for the church so the kids loved that.

Many people have asked if we're learning Spanish yet. And the honest answer is I'm not really sure. Certain words are sounding familiar but I still can't place them. During his sermon today, I think I caught less than 1% of what was said. Depressing. I think he preached for over an hour too.
Emma is asking a lot about what words mean and what's the Spanish word for everything...when she repeats it her phonetics is perfect. She's really trying and learning from people everywhere so she's already doing great. Jack could care less. Every once in a while he busts out a Spanish word and it shocks me.
I'm realizing that all Spanish words, phrases or sentences I know are from years of my kids watching Dora the Explorer. I have also learned "jugar conmigo?" (play with me?) from my kids in the park and "venga" (come) from people yelling this at their dogs everywhere.
I've got a long way to go.

1 comment:

  1. Do NOT be discouraged!!! It takes time, I have been there and done'll get there, the kids are fast learners just keep exposing yourself as much as you can to tv, radio and even newspapers! Watch movies you already saw and use the captions to learn new words. Buy a bilingual bible too =) you CAN do this!
