Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eating at Home

I write about food a lot don't I?

Maybe I should work on that and start thinking about other things...

Until then...

Will's breakfast...that guy can put away some fruit

Emma and her phone date breakfast with Mimi...they shared a chocolate doughnut and grape juice together

Jack's favorite breakfast...he eats 9 of these every morning

Lots of good coffee...Britt, 1820 and 3 brothers (friend makes it)

Our favorite store-bought juice

But we've recently been making our own out of limon-mandarinas
Mayonnaise is everywhere. One choice of ketchup and mustard at the store and a whole aisle of mayonnaise. They even dip their french fries in it

List of items left for us to get...huh?

Fruit flies all over my kitchen sink...still can't get used to that...putting out apple cider vinegar has helped and we have to wash dishes constantly (no dishwasher or disposal)

I have only found 2% milk here

Arroz con pollo for lunch

Ants get in everything, especially the peanut butter...had to put it in the fridge

Our favorite store-bought bread...Bimbo Integral (wheat)

We have a bakery we can easily walk to up the street called Mus Manni...we are loving the fresh hot bread

Kids....cause I love em

Eggs are not refrigerated here and you keep them on the counter...I have been told it's because they're already fertilized. Better watch out when I crack those suckers open


"Carne" mixture for lunch with tortillas & green beans I snapped myself

Random meat

Cheetos puffs...exported

Like I was saying about the ants...went to give the kids some peanuts for a snack and found little ants crawling all in them. I will never tell whether or not I dusted off the ants and still fed them to my kids
Pile of dishes waiting on me every day


  1. I love Bimbo Honey Wheat bread. The Dirty Dova Wal-mart carries it! The Cville one does not. Snobs! When I eat my peanut butter and banana sandwich I will feel a little closer to you! So fertilized eggs... have you run into any chicks yet?

  2. Loved my phone date with glad you got a picture! And you need our Thanksgiving incubator down there for the eggs. Then you could hatch the already fertilized eggs and grow your own chicks!!!
