Sunday, July 17, 2011

No More Normal

We had two garage sales in the fall, got rid of most of our stuff in the spring and moved out of our home in May. I thought this summer would be much more chill that it has been. I thought there would be plenty of time to fit in everything we wanted to do. I thought we would see the people we wanted to see all the time. I thought there would be more time to read the Bible. I thought there would be more time for me to hang out with my kids. I thought...I thought...I thought.

And I also thought I would see it coming, but I didn't. Out of nowhere, there was no more normal to our life. Our days are packing, giving away stuff, people coming over, our kids spending the night out, us going to lunch and dinner with different people every day and staying up late talking. The other night I'm sitting by myself on the balcony at the beach staring at the full moon reflecting off the ocean and I realize this fact. I want to remember that moment. The picture doesn't do it justice, but my view was beautiful.

Amazingly, an excited calm came over me with a complete rest in the Lord. No more overwhelming feelings, no more "fomo" (fear of missing out), no more doubt, no more sadness, no more feeling inadequate. We know what the Lord has called us to and we're looking forward to it.

I have only moved once in my whole life and don't know any Spanish at all. Because of this, I feel like everyone else who is called to missions has many life experiences and seem much more qualified for this sort of work than me. Today at church these verses were shared:

"May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light." Colossians 3:11-12

I am qualified through Christ...not myself or my experiences. How amazing, freeing, and exciting! I can approach this new adventure with confidence...because I am qualified.

Now someone please remind me of this in two months.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!!! Can I understand!! That whole last month I ate out every day!! There would be months and months where we never ate out! How strange! I am so glad God gave you a calm this week! I looked at my planner today and said to Noah "They are coming in TWO WEEKS!!" And I will be here to remind you in two months! Really! Peace upon you my friend!
