Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rainy Season

Rainy season in Costa Rica
How can it be described?
So much water everywhere
And your clothes will never dry
I don't think I enjoy this time
When the sidewalks are full of slime
We slip and slide from home to school
And with our kids we lose our cool
The houses have no warmth or heat
Snuggling under a blanket just can't be beat
I dream of warm and dry days ahead
When the sun greets me as I climb out of bed
Thank goodness for new friends we've met
Who are full of encouragement when I want to jet
Now off to study more and more Spanish
Maybe in a few months I'll be tannish?

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  1. heheeh, we'll make it!! Our clothes may stink of mildew and we will have drunk gallon and gallons (err...liters?) of coffee to stay warm, but we will make it!

  2. Elaine, i didn't know you were a poet! ;-)

  3. Agua, agua everywhere and not a drop to drink...“Is that you , or is that me whose damp clothes doth stink?". It might take until the next month of june, til your skin aint shrivelled up like a prune. THank God for your friend, so glad you caught her...but drinking all that coffee..aint you making more water?

  4. so glad y'all appreciate my amazing creativity (yeah right!). i was trying to think of a random way to describe rainy season, writing poetry is what happened! hahaha

  5. Love it! Yes, the rain can make one weary....
