Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is the biggest week of the year here in Costa Rica. Everything is closed for the week and most families head to the beach. The weather is beautiful then and it's a big time for families to just be together and eat traditional food. The Catholic Church is the biggest influence here and this is their week of celebration, fireworks, parties and parades. It was interesting to see the focus on the death of Christ, not his resurrection. We saw several different parades and all of them looked very similiar with statues of Jesus, Mary, and whoever that city's saint is (in Coronado, the Catholic Church is named after Saint Isidro so there was a statue of him in this parade). There is one Catholic Church located in every city and they all face the same direction (west) with a community park in front.
All stores are closed on Good Friday only during Holy Week, not Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday service is carried out just like every other Sunday. There are absolutely no Easter bunnies, eggs or candy given out. Random fact...did you know that marriages are only legal if done by a Catholic priest?
It would be very difficult for a Costa Rican to leave their family's/country's culture and join the evangelical church. My teacher at school said that when she was a child, most girls in her class were not allowed to play with her because she was not a Catholic. I heard that evangelicals do not even want to be seen at the parades or parties for fear that someone they know would see them and wonder why they were at a Catholic event. It's such a difficult struggle. I was very happy that our church we've been going to really did make a big deal out of the resurrection on Easter Sunday morning.
Prayer, the gospel, and missionaries are still desperately needed here. Not religion. Our hope lies in the fact that Jesus is God and he defeated death once and for all on the cross to be raised from the dead 3 days later. To only focus on his death is missing the whole point of Christianity. I'm so excited about the work ahead of us here in Costa Rica. Our language school time is nearing an end and we are ready to plunge into this work full-time. Gracias a Dios por todo en mi vida!

Dad and me in front of the Catholic Church in Coronado
All stores are closed on Good Friday only during Holy Week, not Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday service is carried out just like every other Sunday. There are absolutely no Easter bunnies, eggs or candy given out. Random fact...did you know that marriages are only legal if done by a Catholic priest?
It would be very difficult for a Costa Rican to leave their family's/country's culture and join the evangelical church. My teacher at school said that when she was a child, most girls in her class were not allowed to play with her because she was not a Catholic. I heard that evangelicals do not even want to be seen at the parades or parties for fear that someone they know would see them and wonder why they were at a Catholic event. It's such a difficult struggle. I was very happy that our church we've been going to really did make a big deal out of the resurrection on Easter Sunday morning.
Prayer, the gospel, and missionaries are still desperately needed here. Not religion. Our hope lies in the fact that Jesus is God and he defeated death once and for all on the cross to be raised from the dead 3 days later. To only focus on his death is missing the whole point of Christianity. I'm so excited about the work ahead of us here in Costa Rica. Our language school time is nearing an end and we are ready to plunge into this work full-time. Gracias a Dios por todo en mi vida!

Dad and me in front of the Catholic Church in Coronado

We celebrated Easter lunch with some friends and my parents. It was such a fun afternoon celebrating together with the Graham's and the Marten's.

With Italian Easter bread? They died Easter eggs and put them in the center of bread and then poured icing on the top and baked it. Interesting.
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