We started our string of visitors in mid-March right after Emma's birthday. Will's parents were the first to come. They spent a week with us and we had a great time with them! It has been so much fun showing our family our new life here and for them to be able to see it for themselves. We took Will's parents to La Paz waterfalls and zoo, La Cumbre Adventure Camp and to the Savegre River to see hummingbirds.

We love getting goodies from home!

We love getting goodies from home!
In Costa Rica the animals are only separated from us by a cage. They expect you to use your brain and not touch them. Cool picture huh?
Close up hummingbird
A week after Will's parents were here, my parents came in town for 12 days over Easter week. It was nice having a break from school too to be able to spend time with them. We also took them to La Cumbre and La Paz, but we also attempted a day trip to the beach and some time downtown. We had a lot more "hanging out time" since they were here for a while.

Beautiful sunset
We loved our family being with us that month. The time went by fast and it was so neat having them here. We had just told them we were having another baby so that was fun to talk about. I was still feeling pretty crummy during both of their visits, but everyone was understanding. We can't wait for them to visit again!
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