Will and Emma go on a Father/Daughter date every year right before Valentine's Day. This tradition started when our home church had a dance and now they have continued the tradition here in Costa Rica. This is Emma's favorite night of the year....she will tell you that. Once she even bought a fancy dress in May to save for the next year's date with Dad. Surely she won't outgrow this...right?
She's already concerned about sharing this day with Ally. Will has assured her that they can each have their own date.
I sort of helped her get ready this year. She had her outfit, jewelry, perfume, purse and makeup all picked out. So I just sat on the bed and talked with her. It was fun. Here's a pic of my big girl all ready to go.
She's already concerned about sharing this day with Ally. Will has assured her that they can each have their own date.
I sort of helped her get ready this year. She had her outfit, jewelry, perfume, purse and makeup all picked out. So I just sat on the bed and talked with her. It was fun. Here's a pic of my big girl all ready to go.
Daddy/Daughter Date 2013
Will brought her flowers and some goodies, picked her up at the door and they were off. Our car had broken down the day before, but surely that wouldn't happen again...
The car was put in the garage (bad alternator) and they quickly regrouped and called a taxi. Shortly down the road, the taxi started acting strange and broke down at a gas station. Can you believe it...the taxi's problem was the alternator too! Hilarious.
Once again, the courageous couple regrouped and hopped in another taxi. They went out to Momentum Mall and ate at a yummy Japanese restaurant.
And guess what?!?! The next week my handsome son asked me out on a date too. He came to pick me up at the door with flowers and everything. We drove to Denny's on a Tuesday night (because kids eat free) and had a great time. It was so fun just getting to hang out with Jack again. It was just the two of us at home for several years and I've really missed our time together. He said later that we need to do this more often. I agree.
Love this tradition!!