What a year it's been in regards to Emma's schooling. We started her at Sojourn Academy last fall in second grade. She liked the school but wanted to learn more Spanish since we would be staying here (most of the students are missionary kids who leave after a year). We transferred her to Colegio Metodista in February where she began second grade again (Costa Rica school calendar is Feb-Nov). It was good at first, but after 7 months we felt it was time for a change. I won't go into all the details, but just know that as her parents we needed to step in for her and make the decision that was best for her and our family. The decision needed to be a quick one, and homeschooling seemed to be the right option.
I would have NEVER thought I would home school.
I am not a teacher.
I do not have very much patience.
I like having alone time during the day.
Well, it wasn't about me anymore.
So, the decision was made...where do I begin?!?! I quickly realized that there are a million different curriculum out there and a million different opinions about them. Everyone offers suggestions and advice whether you're asking for it or not. It was starting to be very overwhelming. We had heard about a great "homeschooling for dummies" curriculum called Sonlight which offered a complete grade package along with lesson plans and everything. Sounded perfect for me. Done. And we decided since she has done two halves of second grade that that was good enough, so let's move her on to 3rd grade. Why not?
Since the decision had to be made quickly, a girl coming to live here for a year agreed to bring an extra suitcase with her with all of our homeschooling supplies in it with only a few days advance notice. Thank you thank you Hannah Loden!
Emma was thrilled about homeschooling and she has quickly become a bright happy girl again. She is such a hard worker and does everything she's asked so it's been a very easy adjustment for us. And we're having a lot of fun with it! It's pretty nice devoting about 3 hours to it and then being done by 11:00. We also go to the park regularly and she's taking gymnastics again.
I love feeling like we're doing the best we can for her. Thank you Lord for this special opportunity.

The night we received our suitcase full of material
I would have NEVER thought I would home school.
I am not a teacher.
I do not have very much patience.
I like having alone time during the day.
Well, it wasn't about me anymore.
So, the decision was made...where do I begin?!?! I quickly realized that there are a million different curriculum out there and a million different opinions about them. Everyone offers suggestions and advice whether you're asking for it or not. It was starting to be very overwhelming. We had heard about a great "homeschooling for dummies" curriculum called Sonlight which offered a complete grade package along with lesson plans and everything. Sounded perfect for me. Done. And we decided since she has done two halves of second grade that that was good enough, so let's move her on to 3rd grade. Why not?
Since the decision had to be made quickly, a girl coming to live here for a year agreed to bring an extra suitcase with her with all of our homeschooling supplies in it with only a few days advance notice. Thank you thank you Hannah Loden!
Emma was thrilled about homeschooling and she has quickly become a bright happy girl again. She is such a hard worker and does everything she's asked so it's been a very easy adjustment for us. And we're having a lot of fun with it! It's pretty nice devoting about 3 hours to it and then being done by 11:00. We also go to the park regularly and she's taking gymnastics again.
I love feeling like we're doing the best we can for her. Thank you Lord for this special opportunity.
The night we received our suitcase full of material
Here are the subjects we do: History/Geography, Read-Alouds (which are 2 grade levels up meant to challenge her listening & comprehension skills), Readers, Math, Science, Poetry, Handwriting, Spelling, Creative Writing, and Spanish. We also do the pledge every morning with a devotional and scripture song (thanks Grace Evan music team!).
So glad it is going so well!!!!