Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family Devotions

One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion Starters
by Nancy Guthrie

In my experience, the family devotionals I've run across are pretty hokey. They are either completely lame or too difficult for my kids to follow. When we moved here and have been struggling in the area of church, I realized that our kids are struggling just as much as we are. They are used to an excellent kids church program and haven't been getting spiritually fed much since August. I saw this book recommended in a pastors blog and thought I would check it out. It's been really good for our family! Of course, we don't do it as often as we should, but it has great thought-provoking content that suits kids of any ages. My kids are 7 and 4 and they follow it fine, and I think even older kids would find it compelling. It has rich Biblical Truth and not just "so why did Amy steal the seashell?" kind of questions. Check it out!

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